Basic Statistics
Pennsylvania has a population of 13,002,700, of which 79.6% of the population is aged 18+ (U.S. Census, 2021)
52 of Pennsylvania's 67 counties lie within the Appalachian Region
1 out of every 5 Pennsylvania residents earns below 150% of the Federal Poverty Level
Literacy in Pennsylvania
18.1% of Pennsylvania adults read below a 3rd Grade level
37.5% of Pennsylvania adults read between a 3rd and 8th Grade level
44.4% of Pennsylvania adults are proficient in reading texts above an 8th Grade level
Numeracy in Pennsylvania
28.7% of Pennsylvania adults struggle to perform math problems that require more than 1 step
37.6% of Pennsylvania adults struggle to perform math problems that require more than 3 steps
33.7% of Pennsylvania adults are proficient in math taught above an 8th Grade level
Literacy by County
In Pennsylvania's 52 Appalachian counties, nearly 2 out of every 3 adults read below an 8th Grade level
1 in 10 adults has not graduated from high school
Nearly 1 in 4 residents earns below 150% of the Federal Poverty Level
Numeracy by County
In Pennsylvania's 52 Appalachian counties, nearly 3 out of every 4 adults struggle to perform basic math
Nearly 1 in 6 residents relies on SNAP for Nutrition Assistance
7.3% of residents lack health insurance
Pennsylvania Adult Education Resources
ARIN Center for Education
300 Indian Springs Rd.
Indiana, PA 15701
Charge for Services:
ARIN Center for Education
11931 PA-85 E
Kittanning, PA 16201
Charge for Services:
Adult Literacy at Butler County Community College
Science, Technology, and Cultural Center
107 College Dr.
Butler, PA 16002
250 Executive Dr.
Cranberry Township, PA 16066
PA CareerLink - Butler County
112 Hollywood Dr.
Butler, PA 16001
Charge for Services:
Center For Community Action
510 Washington St.
Huntingdon, PA 16652
Charge for Services:
Income & Program Eligibility Requirements
Center For Community Action
195 Drive In Ln.
Everett, PA 15537
5 E Main St.
Suite C
Everett, PA 15537
Charge for Services:
Income & Program Eligibility Requirements
Center For Community Action
216 N 2nd Street
Suite D
McConnellsburg, PA 17233
Charge for Services:
Income & Program Eligibility Requirements
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