Infographics Database
APPLI's Infographics Database is a comprehensive collection of easy-to-download infographics with data about rates of adult literacy and numeracy, poverty, high school graduation, and demographic information.
The Infographics Database has infographics for each of the Appalachian Region's 13 states, 423 counties, and 8 independent Virginia cities, each designed to provide educational, social services, and policy advocates everything they need to build a successful strategy.

Check out the Infographics Database
APPLI Reading Lists
Looking for a good book?
APPLI has you covered!
The Appalachian Learning Initiative has curated some excellent seasonal and holiday-based reading lists, including Labor Day, Halloween, and Pride Month.
Our seasonal reading lists feature a variety of books about life in Appalachia or by Appalachian authors, including Serina Marshall, Carter Sickels, Ron Rash, and Ruth Ann Musick.